How to Handle Cloud Textures and Edges

acrylic classes clouds gouache landscape oil painting painting plein air sky Apr 01, 2024

Clouds present a special challenge because they are both well defined, with a clear light and shadow, and they are soft with transparent edges.  

So, as always - paying close attention to the values holds the key to success in showing both the light effect and the texture of clouds.  

First - focus on the major values in the sky and clouds - get your sky transition from darker up high to lighter down at the horizon.  Find the general values of your clouds in the light and shadow.  Once all this is working well, you're ready to show the texture, which is primarily shown at the edges of the clouds.  

Of course you know you can achieve a measure of texture with careful paint handling - maybe smooshing a bit of paint from the cloud into the sky.  But this method can have less control than you may want.  You might get a "happy accident" and you might get a mess!

SO - the biggest secret to getting the texture transition right is to observe the values at the edge of the clouds.  Clouds are semi-transparent at the edge, so you can see a bit of cloud and a bit of sky at the same time.  So the edge value will be a combination of the value of the cloud and the sky.  It's thin and subtle, so you might not notice it when you're outside looking at clouds, but if you zoom in on a photo, you'll see it's there.  

In this video I show photos of clouds that I've painted with the little value transition at the edges.  

Now it's your turn!

Look at some clouds - see if you find that a slim and subtle value transition at the edges helps make your clouds feel softer too! 

Would you like to learn more about clouds? I have found that understanding clouds REALLY helped me to enjoy watching them and have more success in painting them. Join me for a free webinar, April 23, 11am Pacific to learn the ten main cloud types, some accessory clouds and a bit about what they say about the weather.  Click HERE to register. 

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